What is true forgiveness?

What is true forgiveness?

True Forgiveness

True forgiveness is a space where you can lay down what has happened and see the person through the eyes of love as a pure and innocent.

We are all pure and innocent in our heart as we are all of the one higher consciousness. As you are and so is the next person and the next person. Yet we are unable to see another through these eyes when we are coming from a space of fear, anger or bitterness. This is where forgiveness needs to come in.

Forgiveness can be difficult, especially when we have been hurt or wronged by someone else. It’s natural to feel angry, bitter, or resentful towards that person. But true forgiveness allows us to let go of these negative emotions and see the person through the eyes of love, as a pure and innocent being.

True forgiveness allows us to completely surrender what has happened (or perceived to have happened) and step into a space of love and knowing that whatever happened is perfect and exactly as it needed to occur.

Everything that happens is always serving us to return to our own love!

Here we are not forgiving someone else because it is the right thing to do or to have power over the other or to be the righteous person. We are laying all of that down and coming from a space filled with humility and love. Love is always the key to seeing through the eyes of true forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

– A Course in Miracles







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