

Self Responsibility Updated Image

Client self-responsibility is the key to complete and lasting healing. When our clients take on board what is happening for themselves, they can understand it fully and move through their life lessons with ease and grace. Here in this ‘self-responsibility’ space our clients can listen to their own innate knowing, giving them their own ‘aha’ moments to feel it resonate within their whole body, mind and soul.

Over the years that I have been serving I have found that my clients were not taking responsibility for themselves, they were relying on me to give them the answers with little or no personal responsibility. I would have clients coming back time and time again (which is great for business but not so great for my clients) but they would not take responsibility for their own issues, forgetting to do their homework and to follow through with the work at home. Often, we would re-hash old stories and issues again. I have always said to my clients, “I will set you up for success here in this session but what you do at home on an everyday basis will ensure that this success continues way past this hour we have together”.

We are moving into a new era now, where personal self-responsibility and enlightenment is high on the agenda for many people. It has become a focus point to do. But what does this mean exactly? Does it mean that we are spiritual and responsible in some areas of our lives and pretend in other areas? Does it mean that we expect a higher standard for others than ourselves (or vice versa)? Does it mean that we are not to be accountable for who we are or what we have created in our lives? Does it mean that we are only showing up to our practices when we are feeling good?

Self-responsibility is defined as owning our own emotional conflicts without blame or projection to another person or situation. It is taking ownership of our ourselves every single day (and every single moment) in every single situation. It is looking within for the answers and guidance rather than searching for an elusive ‘something’ on the outside to give us the answers.

It always has to be an inside job.

Self-responsibility begins with going within ourselves for the understanding and answers. This begins in our heart-space. Our heart is the centre of all knowing and truth. It is a higher source of knowledge and wisdom, a wisdom that transcends the bounds of time and space, which connects us with our highest good. This is what we have innately known and embodied for centuries, which science is only beginning to understand. Throughout history, the heart has been represented as a symbol of health, wisdom, intuition, guidance and higher intelligence. Even the Ancient Egyptians, who referred to the heart as an ieb, shown as a vase-like vessel with handles in hieroglyph. This ieb symbol represented the belief that the heart held the mind and soul within its vessel, meaning the heart, rather than the brain, was the centre of life and the source of human wisdom. The Ancient Greeks considered the heart to be an independent source of heat within the body and the Romans understood the heart to be the body’s most life-giving vital organ. Over the last century, this history of heart-centred focus has flowed into scientific research and understanding of how our heart affects everything in our lives, within our bodies and in all our interactions in life. The heart is no longer seen as just an organ that pumps blood, oxygen and nutrients around the body!

Heart intelligence is the flow of awareness, understanding and intuition we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart.







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